This is my decluttering year, we’re in 1000 square feet with a garage that couldn’t fit a smart car and while things aren’t bad, I just think we need a little more free space. I don’t want to have to move things to get to other things.

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Kudos on fitting everything into your space, and yes to more breathing room! The New Minimalism book introduces the idea of what “full” means and how you may need to revise your definition of full (i.e. a drawer can be considered “full” even when it’s not overflowing). I would have included it but this post was already “full.” 😉

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I have to admit recently I have been slowly decluttering. A few years back I was introduced to Marie Kondo and the idea of an item 'sparks joy'. Now when I declutter I think if this item benefits me. If it could benefit someone else more - I re-home it.

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Love the idea of considering whether an item could benefit someone else more. That resonates with me!

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Especially if it is something that I've had stored away for some time. I think about will I use it soon vs. will this be used by someone else and bring them joy. It's helped me part with a few things I was holding onto for some time

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This very thing has been eating away at me for the last week. Thank you for the timely advice!

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So glad it's timely for you! Sending you good vibes for your own decluttering efforts.

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What criteria would you use to cull

Kids books? Thank you ☺️

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Great question! We keep any books that have special meaning (for us that means they’re signed by the author and/or inside where my mother (who’s no longer alive) wrote notes to me). After that, we keep favorites (mine and theirs) and ones the kids are still actively reading/returning to. I pull ones that don’t fit those criteria and then ask the kids to go through and take out ones they want to keep. The rest get donated. We are fortunate to have many book swaps in our area so I always feel like the donated books are going to find good new homes!

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